Customers want creative services to be effective. Therefore, by improving efficiency and effectiveness, we support the strength of the brand and better sales.







Marketing changes for the better when it sees in customers people who deserve honesty and respect. It's important to treat them the way you want to be treated.

let’s talk about people

The desired result will ensure not so much a better understanding of customers' needs as strengthening their position. The future and development of business depends on their strength.

let’s talk about values

Under the pressure of competition and changing trends, new challenges are constantly emerging. What is important is a quick reaction: data analysis, drawing conclusions and efficient action.

let’s talk about future


We support the strength of the brand and better sales, using proven tools and communication channels. We combine the competences of a content and digital agency as well as a graphic and photography studio.

let’s talk about ad

Strategic consulting

An effective strategy strengthens the company's market position and, at the same time, the position of customers and employees. It has a cultural aspect, not just an economic one. It requires analyzing the actions of competitors, tracking changes in behavior patterns, lifestyles and expectations. A good strategy integrates teams and processes around a common goal.

  • analyses
  • workshops
  • consultations and strategic supervision
  • brand and communication strategies
  • marketing plans


Thoughtful branding is the quintessence of marketing - the warp that binds products with the thread of ideas in response to people's needs. Its essence is to add value to products by associating a unique identity with them. In fact, customers make brands. Only the right design makes them ready to enter into relationships with them.

  • brand concept
  • naming
  • logo
  • key visual
  • brand book
  • corporate visual identity
  • lifting
  • rebranding

Packaging design

Packaging design is a key carrier of information and values – a visual reflection of positioning, advertising in a nutshell. Good packaging attracts attention. It often has a decisive influence on the purchase decision. It works well on the store shelf and on the e-commerce platform.

  • designs of packaging and labels
  • including own brands of retail chains
  • artworks preparation for printing
  • production supervision

Digital communication

Digitalization is a breakthrough in marketing management. It requires the creation and application of new business models and communication methods. The revolution is driven not so much by technological changes as by the customers themselves. Meeting their expectations ensures a high conversion rate and translates into better sales.

  • digital communication strategies
  • UX/UI audit and consulting
  • creating websites
  • applications
  • platforms and services
  • e-learning
  • software development
  • online advertising campaigns


We support brands in online sales. We design, build and help develop online stores that achieve good sales results. We put emphasis on speed and security of purchases, while taking care of a convenient sales process and the best possible customer experience.

  • e-commerce strategy
  • e-shop design and development
  • audit and analytics
  • development and implementation of product cards
  • online advertising campaigns

Social Media

There is no other area of marketing communication that changes so quickly. New patterns of content creation require a good understanding of trends and specifics of individual channels. The most recent challenge is the optimal use of AI tools in communication.

  • communication strategies in social media
  • running brand profiles
  • advertising activities
  • influencer marketing

Custom publishing

Communication is a meeting – with clients, partners or employees of the company. If it takes place in a friendly and attractive space, it helps to build relationships, increases brand awareness and loyalty, strengthens employer branding activities. That is why it is so important to create a message that attracts attention.

  • graphic design
  • content preparation
  • printing and distribution
  • newsletters
  • magazines
  • folders
  • reports
  • albums
  • occasional publications

Photo and video

Most of the customers are visionaries who buy with their eyes. Photos and videos are an effective sales tool, because there are no products that do not require an attractive presentation. Images not only sell, but also tell engaging stories, stimulate emotions and build prestige.

  • studio with three independent photo plans
  • stylizations
  • arrangements
  • packshots
  • portraits
  • reportages
  • post-production
  • advertising
  • culinary
  • beauty
  • fashion and corporate photography

Illustration and animation

Original graphics enrich creations for marketing campaigns and packaging, make publishing projects, websites and communication in social media more attractive. Icons and infographics improve readability and make it easy to understand content quickly.

  • magazine and book covers
  • illustrations for articles and websites
  • animations
  • infographics
  • presentations
  • reports
  • dashboards

Employer branding

Employers must also involve the employees themselves in building the brand. It is worth thinking about this already at the stage of creating a project plan. Strategies geared to people’s needs and expectations are not only easier to implement, but also deliver better results.

  •  EB strategies
  • internal and external communication plans
  • recruitment and employer’s image campaigns
  • integration and motivation activities
  • e-learning platforms
  • webinars
  • newsletters
  • social media
  • company magazines

Sales promotion

The approach to sales promotion as a human experience broken down into individual stages of the purchase path helps to find attractive and desirable forms of communication from the customer’s point of view. The way to success is to optimally integrate communication around the main creative idea based on well-chosen points of contact and tools.

  • nationwide and regional campaigns
  • TV advertising
  • outdoor
  • radio
  • in-store materials
  • product brochures





W 98% na bazie aloesu, kreatywnych pomysłów i efektywności - od 2 lat budujemy świadomość marki Equilibra na polskim rynku. Na bazie wypracowanej strategii i konceptu kreatywnego zaprojektowaliśmy i zbudowaliśmy stronę www i e-sklep marki, a poprzez wielokanałową komunikację online i offline z konsumentami realizujemy kolejne cele.


We are trusted by well-known brands and those that take their first steps on the market. In recent years, modern trade has become particularly close to us.

Idź do portfolio


We share a similar outlook on work and a desire to change marketing to a more people-friendly one. Let's get acquainted.
let’s talk about collaboration

Maciej Bielaczyk
Chief Executive Officer

Natalia Czarnecka
Administration Head/CFO

Magdalena Cywoniuk
Client Service Director

Rafał Szenrok
Strategy Expert

Wiesław Juskowiak
Creative Head

Piotr Czajkowski
Creative Head

Katarzyna Pachucka
Editorial Head

Marcin Borkowski
DTP Head

Lidia Sibilska-Szmyt
Chief Accountant

Klaudia Witowska
Account Group Head

Wojciech Balcerzak
New Business Manager

Weronika Stasiak-Grzeszczak
Account Manager

Joanna Woltyńska
Senior Account Executive

Marta Szymaniuk
Senior Account Executive

Karolina Kurkiewicz

Klaudia Knopkiewicz
Senior Graphic Designer

Michał Stachowiak
Senior Illustrator

Tomasz Galubiński
DTP Expert

Wiesław Wiszowaty
DTP Expert

Katarzyna Chrostek
Senior Graphic Designer

Marcin Dolata
Senior DTP Operator

Jan Walkiewicz
DTP Operator

Maria Krajewska
Junior Graphic Designer

Natalia Dzikowska
Senior Web Developer

Ewa Stefańska
HR Manager

Żaneta Szafrańska-Sarnecka
Finance Specialist


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